Tuesday 20 March 2012

CatMan: The walk of Doom

It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!!!!


I made a cat-cylinder thing walk. Truly this is a good day for mankind.

Jokes aside, I need to do alot of practice in Cinema 4D, because I'm really terrible.

Yeah... it's not pretty

Monday 12 March 2012

Down with the sickness...

... and i can't seem to get back up.

Been sick again so work is really sloooooooooooooooooooow lately, not to mention trips to the doctors and disability meetings. Fo' shiz, that stuff be boring.

Moving on to 3D stuff now, so whooo and stuff. Got to organise myself better so that I don't continue to fall behind, my excuses will only last so long.
And i drew a picture... so yeah....
I really need to priorities my work, but I'm so friggin easily distracted.

Monday 27 February 2012

Previously on Thunder Cats

Okay, serious for a second, tasks for this week.

First, finish final part of E4 ident animation quickly as possible. [ x ]

Third, colour my ident, possibly on photoshop or illustrator. [ ]

Second, for gods sake finish the morph. [ x ]

Lastly compile all the work I've finished in a presentable way. [ ]

Once I've done these I can party until I'm purple, so that should be motivation enough.

Anyway, back to reality, since last week I've managed to almost completely finish my ident. The last thing I'll need to do is colour it, so it's all good there.
On the other hand, my morph animation has been gathering dust for like 2 months. I started it and just never finished it so this week will be the week of actually finishing work. I'll also need a second opinion on my research, just to make sure it is coherent and stuff.

And who knows, maybe I'll be able to actually get around to uploading shit to my blog, because I've basically just avoided it lately, lazy bastard I am.

Monday 20 February 2012

I was told to drop it like it was hot

But I only dropped it like it was warm.

And then fire happened.

Shit got real.

But then fire didn't happen.

Shit became unreal and disappointing.

Been on Illustrator again, words cannot describe how terrible I am at it. Still managed to colour my work so that's worth something at least. I'm considering using the vector lineart from illustrator and then hopping over to phototshop to colour it and tidy up, it might work out better that way.

Anyway, Ta-Da!
... colouring is a bitch...

Monday 13 February 2012